Saturday, 10 August 2013

Stress Management at Workplace

Stress is defined as anything that disturbs the physical or mental state of an individual. Stress is a physiological and psychological imbalance. Stress is the body's way of reacting to any given situation and it can have a serious repercussions on an individual's life if left unchecked. Statistics have revealed that more than 100,000 persons commit suicide in India every year due to stress and this figure is increasing at alarming rate. Stress has become an intrinsic part of our life. It is found everywhere and influences everyone. A person caught in a traffic jam while rushing to office is under the influence of stress. Similarly a student preparing for the competitive examination is under stress. A person applying for a Visa to Canada also shows some signs of stress. 

Stress can either be good or bad. Good stress creates a conducive environment to perform an activity whereas bad stress has detrimental effects on the body of an individual over a period of time like- sleeplessness, eating disorder, suicidal tendencies. Stress is unavoidable and has become an inherent part of human life. It can also have a disastrous impact on relationships. Many people fail to understand the importance of stress management in their lives. It is imperative to become an expert in handling stressful situations. Effective managers handle stress by proper planning of work, relaxing and rejuvenating themselves. Here are few tips to cope up with stressful situations:


Prioritize work: Human beings have a tendency to procrastinate their work and then to panic later about such actions, resulting in stressful situations. An ideal way to minimize stress is multitasking through planning and prioritization. In-fact multi-tasking has become the buzzword these days. Prioritizing work depending upon the urgency is a best way to deal with stress. Make a list of all the important tasks you have to do. After prioritizing, allocate time to each task depending upon such priority. For eg- A manager may have to attend a monthly meeting as well an official party. It is clear that he will choose to attend a meeting first.

Delegation of work: Some managers prefer to accomplish all the tasks themselves. This leads to real sense of pressure and work overload. There is no shame in asking for assistance from subordinates. Delegation of work is an important skill and allows a manager to make the optimum use of time and skills. Delegation is a win-win if done appropriately. It is important to learn how to delegate your work to others to reduce work related stress. For instance a Manager can delegate routine work to other people. This will also be helpful in accomplishing the work within the required time frame.

Laugh away your stress!! "A day without laughter is day wasted for life". Laughter is a great stress buster. Laughter is the best medicine and costs nothing. It can actually improve health. It fights stress and helpful in developing an optimistic approach towards life. Laughter is a great way to relieve stress at workplace. It is evident that a person with a good sense of humor is less likely to under stress. A sense of humor helps an individual to appreciate his life and provides moments of delight

Relaxation techniques: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". This is quite true in our day-to day life. Taking out time for relaxation is really helpful in reducing stress to a great extent. Relaxation is doing something what a person enjoys the most. Relaxation recharges your lost energy and prepare you for other activities. Relaxation techniques varies from person to person and personal preferences. Some people relaxes by connecting with a strong system of support like peers, colleagues and friends. While other may unwind by listening to music, watching a humorous movie, reading books etc. These relaxation techniques helps in regaining the lost strength and to get back to the work with a rejuvenated spirit.

Exercise: A healthy person is better at handling stressful situations than an unhealthy person. Regular exercise keeps an individual physically and mentally strong to take on the new challenges. Inculcating a habit of regular exercise keep a check of lower blood pressure and enhances blood circulation. A person may follow a healthy regime even at work for instance- using a staircase instead of elevator, going  by walk for a short distance can be helpful to keep one's fit

Balanced Diet:  A balanced diet is plays a significant role in minimizing stress. It builds a strong immune system, physical and mental health. It helps us to achieve a long and healthy life. However a stressed person tends to neglect his diet which disrupts physical and mental balance. It is important that a well-balanced meal rich in nutrients should be taken on time to overcome stress. The intake of coffee and tea must be reduced. Drinking a lots of water and fresh juices is also beneficial.

Sound Sleep: Sleep is a weapon to fight stress. Excessive stress makes a person feel dull and sleepless. It causes one to think irrationally. Sound sleep helps the brain to remain vigilant throughout the day. Many studies have shown that ideally a person needs 7-8 of sleep per day. Sound sleep makes a person feel fresh and prepares him to face another day. One may resort to following a regular bedtime routine. One must go to bed at the routine time every day.

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